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Saturday 18 March 2017

Our 2nd Annual Shuffleboard Tournament named in honour of Andy Miscencik

It was a gorgeous day and a big turnout for shuffleboard and pizza. Thanks to Joe and Eli and all the volunteers for making it a great day. You can click on photos to enlarge them.

Weather was perfect and by time we started every court was in sunshine.

The draw.

Coffee hour before the tournament.

Joe's final instructions.

Trophy table.

Quarter final draw.

The volunteers.

Maureen and Dave acting like crossing guards.

Synchronized shuffleboard.

Howard and Larry like to play checkers in between ends.

The foot.

Barb likes to spear her pucks before setting up.

Joe keeping tabs.

Barb's excellent form.

Maureen's form.

The shady gallery.

Caught the volunteers taking a selfie.

Snack table.

Walt always good for a smile.

Howard's form.

At the head.

Handshake time.

The sunny gallery.

The semi-final draw.

Dave's form.

Don's form.

Marie's form - wait a minute she didn't make the semis but she killed us in the first round.

Where's the pizza? - it came right on time after the final. Right on time.

There were quite a few close games.

Maureen keeping score of a semi.

Sue's form.

The shady gallery is losing their shade.

"Oh Canada"

Larry's form.

Marilyn's form.

Eric calling a first down - wait a minute - blacks out.

Handshake time.

Joe starting the finals.

Don's form.

George was deadly.

Cart gallery.

One yellow. Big gallery.

Last year's champ Greg (and Linda) visiting. Meanwhile, the grandkids weren't getting too excited.

... even dozing off. I think they would rather be playing.

Don and John frame George's shot.

"Tools of the trade"

Nice to see Greg and Linda again.

"Principal" scorekeeper Eric.

John's winning form.

It's over - handshakes all around.

Third place to Marilyn and Dave.

2nd place to Don and Don.

This year's champs George and John.

The top 3 teams.

Flamingo cart.

Pizza Pick-up Girls.

Pizza came with instructions.

Thanks to all the volunteers.

Walt posing with his (Marilyn's) trophy.

Pizza time.

It was delicious and we had lots.

Gayle and Larry in the box seats.

End of a great morning and afternoon.

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