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Monday 20 June 2016

CERT Message from Richard Gibbons

Rick asked me to pass this along on the Blog. Here it is and click on the CERT Document Link below;

Lake Pointe Village / Mulberry, FL 33860
Team Leader: Pamela Hanvik;  Home# 863-869-9328
2nd IC: Angela Kieb; Mobile# 315-382-0938
Digital Coordinator: Richard Gibbons; Mobile# 603-231-1398


Could you add this message to your blog please.  Thank you.

Attachments area

Saturday 11 June 2016

Catfish are dancing in the streets at LPV

After the big rain this afternoon we saw this catfish in the street at 410 Ontario Drive. Home of Bill and Jan Rhode. It came up through the drain. Thanks for the photo Ann.